Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Electric Bike Company has Produced the Masterpiece For the Market!

The increasing demand for the electric bike or ebike has really pushed the manufacturers to their limits. When these bikes were first announced for the market, people start to suspect that whether or not they will be able to maintain the streak on a long run. But now the most advanced ebikes are announced for the market by the top electric bike company. And this has surely eliminated all those confusions and doubts when these powerful, effective, reliable and durable bikes have started to run on the road. There are many benefits of using such bikes. However, the prime one among all these benefits is that it can help a lot in saving the earth’s environment. When you use an electric bike, there is no use of gas or fuel. Due to this reason, the emission of green house gases is prevented completely. For our local transportation, there is no need to depend on car or bus when we have the electric bikes at our disposal. 


  • The frame and the battery
The ebike announced by such company is loaded with some unique and handy features. It’s the frame of the bike that is made from aluminum 6061. This is a hydro-framed frame and it makes such bike very light in weight. This frame uses to go through a seven step treatment process and also a heat treatment step so that it can become more durable and strong. In order to power these bikes, only Panasonic and Samsung cells are used. This enhances the safety level for the rider.

  • The motor
It’s the motor of the electric bike is what draws most attention. This is a very powerful moor that is equipped with copper windings and neodymium magnets. It produces 1200 watts with the help of 48V battery and the 26amp controller.


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